Italo always support the best cultural events, thus is proud to sponsor “Kandinskij “The works 1900/1940 ” : the exhibition dedicated to Vasilij Kandinskij (1866-1944) - one of the greatest artists of the 1900s - will be held in Palazzo Roverella, in Rovigo, from 26.2.2022 to 26.06.2022.
The knight (Saint George), 1914-1915
Moscow, Tret’jakov Gallery
An exhibition never seen before in Italy in terms of numbers and quality of the works. Eighty masterpieces from the Great Russian master, made between 1900 and 1940. On top of this, other paintings made by some of his “travelling companions” such as Gabriele Münter, Paul Klee, Arnold Schönberg, Alexej von Jawlensky and Marianne von Werefkin; and many original editions of books, documents, photos, rare footage of his time, memorabilia and popular art pieces.
Improvisation 11, 1910
St. Petersburg, Russian State Museum
All this to unveil Kandinskij’s enigma, follow his creative path and his continuous relationship between music and his deep Russian roots.
*All passengers holding Italo tickets to/from Rovigo dated within max 7 days before/after the entry date to the exhibition are entitled to a discount, thus will pay a reduced price, i.e. 8,00 € instead of 12,00€.