Corporate Governance

Certification OHSAS 18001:2007

The OHSAS 18001:2007 certification confirms at international level Italo’s voluntary and substantial commitment to adopt a system that allows to control and manage all activities in order to minimise health and safety risks for its workers, thus reduce injuries as well as comply with the laws currently into force.

In this way, through the regular monitoring of trains, offices, ticket offices, lounges and training centres located all around Italy, Italo guarantees the safety of its workers and that of all those people operating or present in its work environments. This represents a further confirmation of Italo’s renowned commitment towards a continuous improvement of people’s safety and well-being.

Italo has obteined the first certification, valid for three years, at the end of 2017 and during 2018 the planned supervision audit was conducted with success, certifying that the adopted system is in line with law and it is able to obtain the goals set.

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