Corporate Governance

Organisation Model 231

Italian Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001 introduced into Italian law the principle of administrative liability of companies and associations including limited companies, for certain offences committed in the interest or for the benefit of those organisations, by directors, employees and/or collaborators in general.

Pecuniary sanctions are set out by law for all the administrative offences due to crimes and in the most serious cases even prohibitive sanctions may be applied.

The Decree allows exemption from said responsibility in the event the company proves to have:

adopted and effectively implemented an Organisation and Management Model suitable to reasonably prevent the offences dealt with by the Decree;

entrusted to a Supervisory Body (SB) vested with autonomous initiative and control powers, the task of supervising the operation of and compliance with the Model and to manage the updates thereof.

Within the scope of its own system of Corporate Governance, NTV has prepared its own Organisation and Management Model (OMM), which sets out a structured and systematic system for prevention, deterrence and control aimed at reducing the risk of offences being committed by those who work for NTV S.p.A. in any role (employees, members of statutory and management bodies, agents, promoters, consultants, partners, etc.).

In addition to adopting the Organisation and Management Model required by the decree, in October 2011, NTV adopted its own Code of Ethics which is an integral part of the Model itself.

NTV's Board of Directors appointed a specific Supervisory Body to supervise the proper operation of the Model and to ensure its effectiveness. The Body also has the duty of receiving any reports of violations of the Model and/or of the Code of Ethics and to answer any questions on this matter.

NTV's Supervisory Body can be reached at the following email address

prehistoric.browser.message [en-US]