EU Taxonomy

According to the Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (Taxonomy Regulation) , an economic activity is deemed sustainable if it:

  • contributes substantially to the achievement of one or more environmental objectives as per Article 97 of the Regulation;
  • does not cause significant harm to any of the remaining environmental objectives (DNSH);
  • is carried out in compliance with minimum safeguards, so in line with fundamental principles in the field of social, human rights and labor rights;
  • complies with the technical screening criteria set by the Commission, namely technical criteria that establish the alignment of economic activities;

Although not obliged to the adoption of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, the Company has voluntarily decided to do so by reporting on the eligibility and alignment of its economic activities and applying the requisite KPIs. 

In particular, the economic activities that contribute to the KPIs are related to “6.1 Passenger interurban rail transport”, which corresponds to the “Transport” sector under the climate change mitigation objective.

Italo’s passenger rail transport contributes substantially to the “climate change mitigation” objective, as the activity is carried out entirely by using electric trains, with no direct CO2 emissions. Moreover, in terms of alignment to the EU Taxonomy, this activity comes within the scope of the aligned turnover KPI, as, according to the criteria set for the activity under point 6.1, it does not cause significant harm, to the other environmental objectives.

After verification of the technical screening criteria, it was necessary to analyze the minimum safeguards at Company level in order to assess the alignment of the activities under consideration.

In this regard, Italo conducted its business activities in compliance with the minimum safeguards9, taking into account the four themes identified by the Sustainable Finance Platform:

  • Human rights
  • Corruption
  • Tax System
  • Competition

Therefore, Italo promotes respect for human rights and adherence to the main international standards applicable to its partners and stakeholders, to which the Company also aligns its governance, also due to the presence of the Code of Ethics and the 231 Model and thanks to a due diligence process aimed at verifying respect for human rights throughout the value chain.

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