Corporate Governance

Integrated policy on the safety of the railway operation, on occupational safety and environmental protection

This Policy outlines the principles and values that guide ITALO in its commitment to continuously improving performance towards sustainable development - which benefits all stakeholders.  

Employees and all individuals working for ITALO must adhere to values focused on environmental, social, and governance aspects, by ensuring that: 

Compliance with legal and other environmental and health and safety requirements; 

Safe and healthy trains and workplaces through risk management from operations and third parties, alongside relevant mitigation measures; 

Protection of the environment by using resources sustainably, managing waste responsibly in a circular economy context, and mitigating climate change effects; 

Trained workers are aware of risks in an inclusive, non-discriminatory work environment that promotes consultation, participation, and mutual trust; 

High-quality services in line with the Code of Ethics to enhance value creation and community well-being through intermodal transport promotion. 

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