Italo and M'illumino di meno 2022

Italo and M'illumino di meno 2022

Also this year Italo participates to "M'illumino di Meno", the initiative promoted by the radio programme Caterpillar of Rai Radio2 and by Rai per il Sociale focused on creating awareness on energy saving and sustainable lifestyles.

This year the initiative is on Cycling, Renew and Improve (Pedalare, Rinverdire, Migliorare)! Italo has started up many actions focused on environmental sustainability such as the waste recycling system on trains or the installation of racks and plants in our premises located in via Casilina 1.

On 11 March, in order to support directly the "M'illumino di Meno" initiative, Italo has also decided to raise awareness among its employees by inviting them to use sustainable means of transport to get to work, by incentivising the use of bicycles, scooters or electric vehicles; public transport and car sharing with other colleagues!

Little things that make a great difference!


milluminodimeno 2022 quadra


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