Italo continues supporting the “IO PER LEI” (I FOR HER) campaign also this year. This initiative - made by Telethon Foundation together with Uildm – is dedicated to all so-called rare moms (Mamme Rare), who every day have to struggle with their children affected by a rare genetic disease. All Italo passengers can subscribe in order to donate on a regular basis. This will allow many researchers to continue their projects and guarantee a better future to many young patients. Telethon Foundation speakers will be on Italo trains to make passengers know the results that have already been achieved and the future goals. Italo is proud to support once again the “IO PER LEI” initiative of Telethon foundation that will reach its climax on 4 and 5 May in over 1,600 squares around Italy. In this occasion, all those who will make a donation will receive Cuori di biscotto, i.e. three different types of tasty biscuits in a tin box, the ideal sweet and funny gift to wish all the best to all moms and help researchers.