Italo participates to M’illumino di Meno 2021 (Less Light) campaign. The company has now been involved for some years in the energy saving and sustainable lifestyle day launched by the radio programme Caterpillar and Radio2.
The 2021 edition – which will be held on March 26 - is dedicated to the so-called “Leap of Species”, i.e. the ecological evolution in our lifestyle, necessary to overcome the pandemic in the best possible way. Techniques to reutilise and retrieve materials in order to avoid wasting energy and raw materials.
Italo’s initiative this year is a project of circular economy that foresees the retrieval of cigarette butts from the waste produced by Italo employees.
Through the Filter of Cigarettes reUse Safely (FoCUS) project, Italo GM Ambiente e Energia together with the University of Pisa, will retrieve this waste and send it to the laboratories of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the university where it will be processed for use as inert support for ornamental plants.
Sustainability has always been the core of Italo’s projects. Italo did its part even in a complicated year such as 2020 and is still working on innovative projects focused on protecting the planet and all the community!