Italo publishes its 2019 Sustainability Report. Last year the company published its first report; this report highlights the company’s commitment to sustainability. The target is to achieve the goals established by Top Management for five of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals within 2030, namely climate, gender equality, sustainable cities and communities, economic growth and work, innovation and infrastructures. The document shows what Italo has done this year and gives a broad overview on what needs to be done in the future.
Many of the goals established by Italo last year have been reached. It is time now for other goals - in line with the company’s sustainability mission - e.g. the roadmap to become a plastic free company, implement waste sorting in the company premises, adopt innovative work life balance methods – for the different needs of each person during his/her professional and non-professional life – and introduce new training tools for employees – both in class and online, to broaden skills and improve the awareness of one’s role.