Focus Project

Focus Project


Italo conceives and manages its internal services and procedures considering the safety of the Environment as its main priority. Therefore, two years ago Italo began an exclusive partnership – the first of this kind in the travel sector - with GM Ambiente & Energia srl aimed at limiting the environmental impact of its services and starting up specific circular economy projects. This collaboration led to the national project aimed at retrieving the different kind of waste generated on Italo trains and in its offices. Thanks to GM Ambiente & Energia’s help, the waste will be used in selected circular economy projects. Circular economy is a model of production and consumption, which implies the sharing, loan, new use, repair, refurbish and recycle existing material and products to extend the lifecycle of the products, thus contribute to reduce waste as much as possible.


The first circular economy initiative regards the retrieval of cigarette butts from Italo employees waste. Through the Filter of Cigarettes reUse Safely (FoCUS) project, Italo GM Ambiente e Energia together with the University of Pisa, will retrieve this waste and send it to the laboratories of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the university where it will be processed for use as inert support for ornamental plants.


Therefore, starting from 2021 – as part of an organic project - Italo will start retrieving all kind of waste generated on its trains and in its offices

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