

Since our foundation, the Company has had a strong commitment to respecting and safeguarding the environment: from the decision to use best in category innovative and sustainable trains, built from recyclable materials to the attention we pay to the environmental impact of our activities, identifying initiatives also designed to reduce our environmental footprint in terms of energy, waste and impact on local areas. This conduct, which is part of Italo’s DNA, has led the Company to cultivate an interest in all ESG aspects, day by day strengthening our commitment to sustainable transport. In 2023, Italo revised its Sustainability Plan, which is based on essential prerequisites: mitigation of environmental impact through enhancement of the “green” component, a constant commitment to the wellbeing of society, and the creation of value in the medium to long term. Based on these pillars, strategic areas were identified and a concrete objectives and actions were defined, to be achieved in the coming years.
The Sustainability Plan 2024-2026 is divided into 10 goals related to the implementation of 38 actions and is linked to 10 of the 17 SDGs set out in the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the associated metrics and targets to be achieved.

We are proud to present Italo’s Sustainability Report for the year 2023, to share with you the challenges faced, the progress made and future strategies. The document reflects our concrete contribution to sustainable growth and commitment to increasingly ambitious goals
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